News + Updates

CPN Community Engagement Council is Up and Running!

The Charleston Promise Neighborhood is pleased to announce that its efforts to meaningfully engage the community are in full swing. We have reached out to community leaders from throughout the 5.6 square mile area that comprises the Charleston Promise Neighborhood,...

The First 6 Months

It has been just over six months since the Post and Courier published its July 5, 2010 article on the formation of the Charleston Promise Neighborhood.  For many residents in the Charleston area, this article was the first they heard of our area’s ambitious effort to...

Geoffrey Canada in Columbia

On Friday, January 7th, a group from the Charleston Promise Neighborhood had the honor of hearing Geoffrey Canada speak in Columbia, South Carolina. Geoffrey Canada is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Harlem Children’s Zone, the model upon which the...


Welcome to the Charleston Promise Neighborhood Blog!  This communication tool is designed to help us keep in touch with friends, partners, and supporters as we build our organization and reach out to the community. The Charleston Promise Neighborhood is a nonprofit...