News + Updates

Community Leadership Institute Fall Session

Please be advised that the Community Leadership Institute, has been cancelled for the Fall.   We would like you to stay tuned for more information about course offerings for Spring 2013.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Fighting Poverty

We recently came across an interesting article about the testimony of Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Ron Haskins before the Senate Finance Committee on June 5, 2012 about poverty.  As Charleston Promise Neighborhood aims to transform the Neighborhood within a...

School’s almost out for summer!

It’s hard to believe, but the final week of school is almost over!  All four CPN schools have had full schedules with end of year activities: Volunteer Recognition, Literacy Carnivals, Reading Celebrations, Field Days, and a play to name a few. Mary Ford Elementary...

Thank You MUSC College of Health Professions Volunteers!

The main component of CPN's KidsWell Health and Wellness initiative is the creation of a School Based Health Clinic in each of the four CPN elementary schools. Although they are staffed on a limited basis by Dr. Randazzo of MUSC, we have a wonderful, dedicated...

Community Engagement Council News

So far this year, CPN's Community Engagement Council (CEC) has designed and implemented two programs that are encouraging leadership for both students and adults. In January, a leadership pilot program (YouthPromise) was started on Saturdays for Sanders-Clyde Middle...

Even 4-year-olds have CQ!

Check out the students from Sanders-Clyde Elementary/Middle School reciting the College Bound Creed. It's never too early for great expectations! Our futures are bright. We keep our goals in sight. Sanders-Clyde helps us to see all that we can be. We will go to...

CPN Receives Grant from BlueCrossBlueShield of SC Foundation!

CPN is a grateful recipient of a $50,000 grant from BlueCross BlueShield of SC (BCBSSC) Foundation for our KidsWell Health and Wellness initiative.  Approximately 90 community partners, investors, and elected officials as well as the four CPN Principals and CPN...

CPN School-based Health Clinics Are Open!

Our school-based health clinics are open, and we are so excited! As of last week, students at Sanders-Clyde Elementary/Middle, James Simons Elementary,Mary Ford Elementary and Chicora Elementaryhave access to physician care for two hours a week during school hours. As...

CPN Goes Back to School!

We all know that Charleston County School District started back to school last week, and CPN is in the mix with lots of plans for the 2011-2012 school year! On August 2, CCSD Innovation Zone Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Jim Winbush, hosted a CPN Kick-off Meeting in...

Love In Action

Do you think you can make a difference by what you do? It’s true, it takes only one act of kindness for the wheel to move. – Copyright 2000 Tammy Joseph When I was asked to write a blog about our volunteer opportunities at Charleston Promise Neighborhood, I had no...