News + Updates

CPN Students Show What They Know

Charleston Promise Neighborhood’s Expanded Learning Time (ELT) afterschool programming is centered around bridging the achievement gap our students face, exposing them to activities and opportunities they might not otherwise experience, and helping each child find...

Camp Blackbaud: Robotics Edition

The wonderful people at Blackbaud have always gone above and beyond for the students of Charleston Promise Neighborhood. This time, they have simply outdone themselves. The traditional Camp Blackbaud, a two-day experiential learning intensive for 5th graders with a...

CPN and Sanders-Clyde Fall for Good Books!

Parent, community, and school engagement come together to create a magical evening. Charleston Promise Neighborhood (CPN) co-sponsored a fall-themed Family Literacy Night at Sanders-Clyde on Thursday, October 20th. Approximately 275 participated including students,...

CPN Students Beat the Summer Slide

Charleston Promise Neighborhood: Summer 2016 Programming Mary Ford 21st Century 2016 Summer Enrichment and First Grade Reading Enrichment Summer learning loss is an epidemic in which students lose academic skills during the break from school, and begin the new school...

CPN Welcomes New VISTA

Dear Charleston Promise Neighborhood friends, My name is James Vickers. I am serving as the Parent Engagement VISTA for Charleston Promise Neighborhood. I will be working under the supervision of the Director of Programs, Vicky Ingalls and the Community Engagement...

Dear CPN…

Dear Charleston Promise Neighborhood, It’s hard to believe that this year has come to a close.  We have had the wonderful opportunity to meet some amazing people in our  Charleston community.  Our year of service was spent developing relationships and a greater...

Mapping Out A Social Studies Summer Plan

Our students at Mary Ford are attending CPN sponsored field trips every Friday this summer that immerse them in Charleston's rich, historic culture. Social Studies often gets placed on the backburner during summer learning programs, but not at Mary Ford! By...