Monica Wade at Sanders-Clyde on HBCU Day
One of Charleston Promise Neighborhood’s most exciting initiatives is creating a College Bound Culture within our schools. Nakisha Scott, Charleston Promise Neighborhood’s Program Assistant, invited Monica Wade, Recruiter and Admissions Counselor for Claflin University of Orangeburg, to speak with middle school students at Sanders-Clyde Creative Arts School. Ms. Wade spoke about what it takes to become a Claflin Panther. Claflin University is centrally located in South Carolina, just 75 miles west of Charleston.
Ms.Wade, Claflin University alumni, shared information about the University and undergraduate admissions. Most of the students were surprised to learn that Claflin was close to home and a Historically Black University (HBCU). She stressed to students “the time is now” to concentrate in school, have a good attitude, take advantage of the education they are receiving, and develop leadership skills by learning from teachers, administrators, faculty and staff members.

Monica Wade with students from Sanders-Clyde
The students at Sanders-Clyde were engaged by Ms.Wade and understood that graduating from high school is necessary to be accepted into a University. The students were also
surprised to find out that even after enrollment you can be expelled for various reasons and bad character choices. After the assembly, a group of five girls wanted to learn more about what Claflin had to offer. The girls asked questions about Veterinary School, and Medical School, and two plan to be Claflin Panthers after graduation.
Charleston Promise Neighborhood will continue to support and to facilitate these connections between College Admissions Speakers and our schools as part of our College Bound Culture initiative.