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Summer Enrichment Helps Students Maintain Gains

Summer Enrichment Helps Students Maintain Gains

The “summer slide” has long been documented as a major threat to the academic achievement of children in high-poverty schools. They lose much of the gains they make during the school year and fall further behind their peers from higher-income homes. To combat the...

The Critical Importance of Community Engagement in Schools

The Critical Importance of Community Engagement in Schools

Research has demonstrated repeatedly and convincingly that parental and community involvement in schools leads to improved academic and behavioral outcomes for the children. One study found that family participation in education was twice as predictive of students’...

Why We Must Teach 21st Century Workplace Skills

Why We Must Teach 21st Century Workplace Skills

The skills we all need in today’s information-age workplace are very different from the skills required not so long ago. Mid- and late-20th century jobs built on the assembly line required physical strength and a work ethic. Pre-computer office jobs required reading...

The Value of Teaching Assistants

The Value of Teaching Assistants

Robust debate about teaching assistants (TAs) in the pedagogical community has forced schools to consider seriously the return on investment of hiring second adults in classrooms. The findings on the subject have been nuanced, which has led to confusion in the general...

STEM Education is More Than Science and Math Courses

STEM Education is More Than Science and Math Courses

By now you’ve heard about STEM education – science, technology, engineering and math. Producing millions of workers in these fields will be vital to continued economic health in the United States. Consequently, future job prospects are best in STEM fields. Consider...

Summer Learning Program is Back Because it Works

Charleston Promise Neighborhood’s summer learning program returned on June 12. Research shows that most of the achievement gap in reading between low-income and high-income children occurs during the summer months, when school is out. Last year, Charleston Promise...

Girl Talk: The Writing is on the Wall

  Charleston Promise Neighborhood’s (CPN) mission is to ensure that all of our Neighborhood students are on track to graduate high school with the skills necessary to enter college, the workforce, or the military. To that end, on Monday, May 22nd, CPN partnered with...

Personalized Learning

Integrating digital content with face-to-face teaching is proving to be a powerful new technique in classrooms all over the country, and is being used during the school day as well during CPN afterschool programs at two of our Neighborhood schools. Personalized...