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Are Field Trips A Valuable Educational Tool?

Are Field Trips A Valuable Educational Tool?

Field trips have been a staple of modern American public education going back generations. Despite the logistical headaches, the safety concerns, the expense and hassle, schools have been exposing their students to myriad educational and cultural sites, providing...

New Enrichment Program: The Garden Club

New Enrichment Program: The Garden Club

Hands-on learning is an essential component of the after-school model implemented by Charleston Promise Neighborhood during the last three school years. When students reinforce concepts taught in the classroom with experiential learning, they possess a greater...

We Must Involve Parents and Community in the Education of Children

We Must Involve Parents and Community in the Education of Children

No one is more important to a child than their parent. Because children spend 70% of their time away from school, any effort to improve children’s academic performance must include and involve their parents. Research has demonstrated repeatedly and convincingly that...

The Value of Telehealth in Schools

The Value of Telehealth in Schools

Visit the school nurse’s office in Charleston Promise Neighborhood schools – Chicora, Sanders-Clyde, James Simons, Burns and Mary Ford – and you will see an odd contraption. It is the video conferencing set-up with a stethoscope, otoscope and examination camera that...

Rhymes for a Reason: Interfaith Arts Project Poetry

Rhymes for a Reason: Interfaith Arts Project Poetry

Charleston Promise Neighborhood and the Charleston Jewish Federation are collaborating on a program that brings Jewish high school students and Neighborhood high school students together to discuss issues of social justice and create arts projects to illustrate what...

Charleston Promise Neighborhood Day of Caring Projects

Charleston Promise Neighborhood Day of Caring Projects

Trident United Way’s Day of Caring was a day of accomplishment at two Charleston Promise Neighborhood Schools – Mary Ford Elementary and Sanders-Clyde Elementary. At Mary Ford, team members at Cummins, a great CPN partner, came out to build a butterfly peace garden...

College-bound Culture at Mary Ford Elementary

College-bound Culture at Mary Ford Elementary

Building a culture where attending college is the normal state of affairs, Mary Ford Elementary School sets time aside each Friday for theme-based assemblies around the idea of succeeding in primary school and heading off to higher education. The students gather in...

The Power of After-School Programs

The Power of After-School Programs

When you were a child, what was an after-school activity? Depending on your age, it might have been the cheerleading squad, a sports team, or band practice. In other words, there might not have been an after-school program per se. After-school programs abound today....

The Gap is About Opportunity First, Achievement Second

The Gap is About Opportunity First, Achievement Second

“We’ve squeezed all the benefits we’re going to out of our laser-like focus on measuring outcomes.” That’s the assessment of Dr. Kevin Welner, director of the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado, and editor of a book about closing the...